Direkt vor Ort lässt sich das Vorhaben, die Wände zu streichen (siehe letzten Post) auch besser beurteilen. Die vorgesehene Wand hat nämlich so ihre Eigenheiten. Ein Ornament kann nicht einfach ganz den Rändern nach verlaufen, da die Tür nahe an der Zimmerecke ist. Jeder Versuch, ein Fries auf Teufel komm raus in diese Wand einzupassen, wirkt unpassend, wie man an meinen ersten Photoshop-Versuchen sehen kann. Schliesslich gingen die mittelalterlichen Fresken, die ja als Ausgangslage dienten, immer stark auf die vorhandene Architektur ein und betonten diese.

Um also dem Vorbild gerecht zu werden, muss ich mich deshalb paradoxerweise weiter davon entfernen. So kam ich auf die Idee mit dem Rechteck, das zu den Formen in der Türe passt. Die jetzige Idee ist zwar nicht mehr speziell mittelalterlich, dafür kommt die Wand gut zur Geltung und wirkt durch die hellere Stelle auch grösser.
Was meine Anfangsidee angeht, ein aufwändigeres Muster zu malen, bin ich mir nicht sicher: Man könnte es mit der rechteckigen Form kombinieren, aber sieht es so wirklich besser aus? Das eine sieht aus wie ein aufgepinselter Bilderrahmen, beim anderen fällt die Symmetrie weg. Na, wir werden sehen.
Und ja, ich habe einen Thron.
Finally, we have moved! And slowly but surely it starts to feel like home: Most things now found a place, furniture has been shoved all across the room, holes have been drilled (Most of them even on the right spots). And I have so much space for myself! I have an entire shelf only for my crafting stuff! Will it help me being more orderly? Meeeeh...
Now being on site, it is much easier thinking about how to paint the wall. The wall I have in mind has a very special shape. An ornament could not simply run all across it because the door is in the way; it is too near the corner. As you can see from my early Photoshop-tests it just doesn't fit the way I imagined it. The old medieval frescoes I had in mind emphasize the shape of their buildings, so I can't just ignore it. So to get closer to those frescoes I paradoxically have to get further away from them. That's how I came up with the rectangular shape which reflects the small shapes on the door. That's why my present idea isn't that medieval anymore, but it accentuates the room and the wall even seems to become bigger by resembling a window.
Concerning my first idea to paint a more elaborate pattern, I'm not sure: Surely I could combine the rectangular shape with floral ornaments, but does it really look better than without them? In my view it just looks like a gigantic painted picture frame. Well, we'll see.
And yes, I got a throne.
Finally, we have moved! And slowly but surely it starts to feel like home: Most things now found a place, furniture has been shoved all across the room, holes have been drilled (Most of them even on the right spots). And I have so much space for myself! I have an entire shelf only for my crafting stuff! Will it help me being more orderly? Meeeeh...
Now being on site, it is much easier thinking about how to paint the wall. The wall I have in mind has a very special shape. An ornament could not simply run all across it because the door is in the way; it is too near the corner. As you can see from my early Photoshop-tests it just doesn't fit the way I imagined it. The old medieval frescoes I had in mind emphasize the shape of their buildings, so I can't just ignore it. So to get closer to those frescoes I paradoxically have to get further away from them. That's how I came up with the rectangular shape which reflects the small shapes on the door. That's why my present idea isn't that medieval anymore, but it accentuates the room and the wall even seems to become bigger by resembling a window.
Concerning my first idea to paint a more elaborate pattern, I'm not sure: Surely I could combine the rectangular shape with floral ornaments, but does it really look better than without them? In my view it just looks like a gigantic painted picture frame. Well, we'll see.
And yes, I got a throne.
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