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Quelle: www.uncanny.ch |
Danach wurden verschiedene Games von Schweizer Indielabels vorgestellt. Die meisten Designer und Designerinnen hatten an der ZhdK studiert. Geblieben ist mir vor allem "Niche" von Playful Oasis, das ich gerade spiele. Es geht darum, Tiere zu vermehren, die möglichst lange in der Wildnis überleben sollen. Ziemlich knifflig, wenn z.B. plötzlich nur noch Männchen da sind...
Am Samstag gingen wir an die Lesung von Stefan Bachmann. Ich hatte schon von seinen Büchern ("The Peculiar" und "The Whatnot") gehört, sie aber noch nicht gelesen. Was sich jetzt ändern wird :-)
Im Anschluss hielt Bernd Greisinger vom Greisinger Museum einen Vortrag über Tolkiens Wanderungen in der Schweiz. Dieser unternahm von Interlaken aus Wanderungen unter anderem nach Lauterbrunnen, Grindelwald und Brig. Dass das Lauterbrunnental die Inspiration für das Bruchtal war, ist ja relativ bekannt, dass das Matterhorn aber Erebor ist, war mir neu. Greisinger hatte eine flapsige und dadurch sehr unterhaltsame Art zu reden und wer weiss, vielleicht machen wir ja mal Mittelerde-Ferien?
Das war nur ein Teil all der Dinge, die man hätte machen oder anschauen können! Trotzdem könnte das Festival noch wachsen. Ich bin jedenfalls gespannt auf 2016!
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Elder Scroll, gemacht aus Worbla von Folkenstal. Wow! |
Strange things are happening: Princess Bubblegum unites with the Ice King to go on a journey to Basel. Yes, last weekend, Dominik and I went to Fantasy Basel, as far as I know the first Fantasy Convention in Switzerland. During three days about 20'000 visitors came to the big event halls to test out video games, play cards, purchase comics, buy merchandise, read around in books, go to lectures or just be there and be amazed. Because all the cosplayers and other people in beautiful and fantastic garment made the festival a great experience even when you didn't do anything specific! We tried cosplaying for the first time ourselves and it was such fun! Our costumes where pretty simpel but a lot of people liked it anyway, probably beause they just love Adventure Time. Except for people who can't tell apart an Ice King from a Smurf. Seriously, what the heck, man? But besides, isn't it just great to say you met Darth Vader, Queen Maergery and Arya, Daenerys, Fox McCloud, Captain Jack Sparrow, Finn and Marceline, the Twilight Princess, Peach and Daisy and Princess Mononoke all in one day? (that's a lot of royalty, now that I think of it)
We where there on Friday and Saturday. After having toured the whole area, we visited a workshop about Digital Arts, (painting with Photoshop in this case). I found it very interesting. The pictures of workshop leader Stefanie Stutz are amazing and she gave some very useful tips on composition and painting.
After that there was a presentation of Swiss indie games, mostly from students of the ZhdK. I remember "Niche" from Playful Oasis the most, and I'm playing it right now. It's about breeding wild anymals and keeping them alive as long as possible. Quite tricky if you suddenly run out of females...
On Saturday we went to a bookreading by Stefan Bachmann. I had heard of his books ("The Peculiar" and "The Whatnot") before, but haven't read them yet. Which I will change soon :-)
Then there was a lecture held by Bernd Greisinger from the Greisinger museum about Tolkien travelling around Switzerland. Tolkien made extended hikes in the area of Interlaken, Lauterbrunngen, Grindelwald and Brig. I think it's more or less known that the Lauterbrunnental served as inspiration for Rivendell, but I didn't know that Erebor derived from the Matterhorn. Greisinger has a very quirky way of talking, which made his lecture all the more entertaining. And who knows, maybe I will go on Middle-earth holidays one day?
That was only a small part of all the things we could have seen or done there at the Fantasy Basel. And still this festival could grow. I am already excited for 2016!
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